Reverse Tethering

What is Reverse Tethering ?

If there’s one thing we can all agree upon, it has to be the fact that our smartphones can do so much for us these days.if you have a PC with an Ethernet connection, you can tether its internet connection to your Android smartphone. This process is called Reverse Tethering.

How to Connect to internet from your PC to smartphone using College Proxy ?

Step by Step Guide

1. Make sure you have an active internet connection in your PC

2. Create a HTTP Proxy Server in your PC : The best solution to create a HTTP/HTTPS proxy Server in your PC is to use Squid Proxy software and remember the port at which you are running the proxy Server.

-> Download Squid Proxy

You can find all the configuration related information of squid proxy via searching on search engine.

Case 1: Linux users : Squid Proxy Configuration Link

Case 2 : Windows Users : Squid Proxy Configuration Link

  •  Note Down the Port on which Squid Proxy is running 

3. Connect your PC and smartphone on same local network.(ex via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or a USB cable, Don't forget to turn on tethering in case of USB and Bluetooth) 

4. Find out PC IP address in the network in which your smartphone is connected: 

  a. First Check the network type on which your devices are connected

  b. Find IPv4 address of your PC for the network in which you're connected :

       Case 1: Windows User : run command ipconfig on your command promt

       Case 2: Linux User: run command ifconfig on terminal.

Note: The IPv4 should be of respective network. e.g., In case of USB tethering IP should be for Ethernet Adapter.

5. College Proxy Setup: Open College Proxy App in your smartphone and on ProxyIP input write the IP address you found in Step 4 and on Proxy Port input Write the Port at which Squid Proxy is running on Your PC (Generally that Port is 3128 ) as found in Step 2.

Now Click on START PROXY SERVICE button on college Proxy app and provide the VPN permission if prompted.

Final Result : Enjoy!!.. Your smartphone has been tunneled to use Your PC's Internet.


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